
What is a Secondary Dimension in Google Analytics?

A secondary dimension in Google Analytics is an additional data layer that provides further insights and context for your primary dimensions.

13 Jan 2024

What is a Secondary Dimension in Google Analytics?
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A secondary dimension in Google Analytics is an additional data layer that provides further insights and context for your primary dimensions. It allows you to dive deeper into your analytics data and uncover hidden patterns and trends that may otherwise go unnoticed. In this article, we will explore the concept of secondary dimensions, their importance, and their practical applications in business and marketing analytics.

The Importance of Secondary Dimensions

Understanding the importance of secondary dimensions in Google Analytics is crucial for business leaders and marketers who want to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their website traffic and user behavior. By adding a secondary dimension to your Google Analytics reports, you can achieve several key benefits:

  1. Identify correlations between various metrics

    : Secondary dimensions can help you identify relationships between different data points, allowing you to discover new insights and opportunities for optimization.

  2. Segment your audience more effectively

    : By applying secondary dimensions to your audience data, you can better understand the different segments within your target market and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

  3. Optimize your marketing campaigns

    : Adding secondary dimensions to your marketing data can help you identify the most effective channels, campaigns, and tactics, enabling you to allocate your resources more efficiently and maximize your return on investment (ROI).

  4. Improve your website's user experience

    : Analyzing user behavior data with secondary dimensions can provide valuable insights into how visitors interact with your site, allowing you to make data-driven improvements to your website's design, navigation, and content.

  5. Make better-informed business decisions

    : Armed with the additional insights provided by secondary dimensions, you can make more informed decisions about your overall business strategy, from product development to customer acquisition and retention.

Practical Applications of Secondary Dimensions

Marketing Analytics for Business

Secondary dimensions can help you fine-tune your marketing analytics and make more informed decisions about your marketing strategies. For instance, you can analyze the performance of your marketing channels by adding a secondary dimension like "Source/Medium" to your "Acquisition" report. This will enable you to compare the effectiveness of different traffic sources, such as organic search, social media, or email campaigns.

Additionally, you can use secondary dimensions to track the success of specific marketing campaigns or promotions. By adding a secondary dimension like "Campaign" or "Ad Content" to your "Acquisition" report, you can measure the performance of individual campaigns and identify which ones are driving the most conversions and revenue.

Another practical application of secondary dimensions in marketing analytics is analyzing user behavior data to better understand your target audience. By applying secondary dimensions like "Age," "Gender," or "Interests" to your "Audience" report, you can gain a deeper understanding of your website visitors and tailor your marketing efforts to better resonate with your target market.

Predictive Analytics for Business

Incorporating machine learning and predictive analytics into your business strategy can yield valuable insights and help you stay ahead of the competition. Secondary dimensions can be used to enrich your predictive models and improve their accuracy. For example, you can combine data from Google Analytics with demographic information, such as age and gender, to create more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

By incorporating secondary dimensions into your predictive analytics models, you can also improve your ability to forecast future trends and user behavior. For example, you might use secondary dimensions like "Device Category" or "Browser" to analyze how different user segments interact with your website on various devices and browsers, enabling you to make data-driven decisions about your website's design and functionality.

Nanodegree Programs and Education

As the demand for data-driven decision-making continues to grow, more educational institutions are offering nanodegree programs in areas like data science, machine learning, and marketing analytics. Learning how to effectively use secondary

dimensions in Google Analytics can be an essential skill for students pursuing these programs. Developing a strong understanding of secondary dimensions and their practical applications can help you become a more effective marketer, data analyst, or business leader.

Enhance Your Analytics Skills

By participating in nanodegree programs that cover Google Analytics, machine learning, and marketing analytics, you can hone your skills in using secondary dimensions to uncover hidden insights and make better-informed decisions. These programs often feature real-world projects and hands-on experience, enabling you to apply your newfound knowledge to practical scenarios and challenges.

Boost Your Career Prospects

Having a strong foundation in Google Analytics and secondary dimensions can also help you stand out in the job market. Many businesses are seeking professionals with expertise in data analysis and marketing analytics to help drive their growth and success. By mastering the use of secondary dimensions, you can demonstrate your value to potential employers and increase your chances of securing a rewarding career in the field of data analytics or marketing.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

As the business landscape becomes increasingly competitive, staying informed about the latest trends and best practices in data analysis and marketing analytics is crucial. By incorporating secondary dimensions into your analytics toolkit, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your organization remains agile and adaptable in the face of evolving market conditions.

How do I use secondary dimension in Google Analytics?

Using secondary dimensions in Google Analytics is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to add a secondary dimension to your reports:

  1. Log in to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the report you want to analyze.

  2. Locate the "Primary Dimension" drop-down menu. This will display the primary dimension currently applied to your report.

  3. To add a secondary dimension, click on the "Secondary Dimension" button found above the data table. This will open a drop-down menu displaying a list of available secondary dimensions.

  4. Browse through the available secondary dimensions, or use the search bar to find a specific dimension. Select the desired secondary dimension from the list, and it will be applied to your report.

  5. Your report will now display data based on both the primary and secondary dimensions. This additional layer of granularity can help you uncover hidden patterns, segment your audience more effectively, and optimize your marketing campaigns.

Remember that you can change the secondary dimension at any time to explore different relationships between dimensions and better understand your data.

What are examples of secondary dimensions?

There are numerous secondary dimensions available in Google Analytics, covering various aspects of user behavior, traffic sources, and marketing performance. Some examples of secondary dimensions include:

  1. Source/Medium:

    This dimension shows the traffic source and medium (e.g., google/organic, facebook/referral) that brought users to your website.

  2. Device Category:

    This dimension segments users based on the type of device they used to access your website (e.g., desktop, mobile, tablet).

  3. Landing Page:

    This dimension displays the first page users visited when they arrived at your website.

  4. Campaign:

    This dimension helps you analyze the performance of specific marketing campaigns, such as email or paid advertising campaigns.

By combining these and other secondary dimensions with your primary dimensions, you can uncover new insights and better understand the factors driving your website traffic and user behavior.

What do secondary dimensions include?

Secondary dimensions in Google Analytics provide additional context and granularity to your reports by combining them with primary dimensions. They include a wide range of data points, such as:

  • User behavior and engagement metrics (e.g., session duration, pages per session)

  • Traffic sources and channels (e.g., referral, organic search, social media)

  • Geographic information (e.g., country, city)

  • Demographic data (e.g., age, gender)

  • Technology used by users (e.g., browser, operating system)

  • Content and website structure (e.g., page title, page path)

  • E-commerce data (e.g., transaction ID, product category)

  • Custom dimensions and metrics (if you have configured them in your Google Analytics account)

By incorporating secondary dimensions into your reports, you can segment your data more effectively and gain a deeper understanding of the factors driving your website traffic, user behavior, and marketing performance. This additional layer of analysis can help you make more informed decisions about your business strategy and optimize your marketing efforts for better results.


Secondary dimensions in Google Analytics can be a powerful tool for businesses and marketers looking to gain deeper insights into their website traffic, user behavior, and marketing performance. By adding secondary dimensions to your analytics reports, you can uncover hidden patterns and trends, segment your audience more effectively, optimize your marketing campaigns, and make better-informed decisions about your overall business strategy.

Whether you're a business leader, marketer, or student pursuing a nanodegree program in data science or marketing analytics, understanding the power of secondary dimensions can help you stay ahead of the competition and achieve greater success in your career.

As you continue to explore the world of Google Analytics and secondary dimensions, remember to experiment with different combinations of primary and secondary dimensions to uncover new insights and opportunities. By doing so, you can unlock the full potential of your analytics data and drive your business forward in today's data-driven world.

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